Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

How to Rest More Productively: Finding Balance by Engaging Your Hands

In our fast-paced world, the idea of rest can often feel elusive. We're constantly bombarded with messages about productivity, achievement, and success, making it difficult to slow down and recharge. For those who work with their minds all day—whether it's problem-solving, strategizing, or managing complex emotional landscapes—rest becomes even more crucial. But how do you rest effectively when your brain is always on overdrive? The answer lies in a surprising yet simple approach: rest with your hands to give your brain a true emotional break.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

Integrating Adjunctive Treatments into Your Self-Care Routine

In our fast-paced world, the importance of self-care cannot be overstated. While traditional self-care methods such as exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep are foundational, integrating adjunctive treatments can elevate your routine, providing a more holistic approach to well-being. Adjunctive treatments are absolutely not necessary but may be more aligned with your cultural experiences or preferences. As therapists, caregivers, and healthcare professionals we need additional tools to support recovery from exhaustion, overwhelm, burnout, and anxiety.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

sleep hygiene tips from a holistic therapist

As we navigate our busy lives, good sleep often takes a back seat. Yet, maintaining proper sleep hygiene is crucial for our overall well-being. This infographic from Sage Holistic Counseling offers practical tips for enhancing your sleep quality. Let's delve into these sleep hygiene strategies to help you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

Embracing the 'Back to School' Season in the Helping Professions

Nothing in this article is a magic pill or a novel solution, but all the strategies help you to focus on the cumulative effects of making small changes over time.  By setting realistic goals, prioritizing self-care, learning to say no, and practicing mindfulness, you can create a healthier and more balanced approach to your responsibilities without feeling selfish. Embrace progress over perfection and surround yourself with kind people who love you. With these strategies, you'll be better equipped to navigate the busy months ahead with resilience and grace.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

Understanding Emotional Labor: The Hidden Burden of People-Pleasing, Perfectionism, and Anxiety

Emotional labor is an often invisible but significant aspect of many helping professions. Its close relationship with people-pleasing, perfectionism, and anxiety highlights the complex interplay between emotional regulation and mental health. By recognizing the impact of emotional labor and implementing strategies to manage it, individuals can protect their well-being and continue to provide compassionate care and support to others. Understanding and addressing emotional labor is not only essential for personal health but also for creating sustainable and supportive professional environments.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

how a therapist copes with anxiety

Therapists are not immune to anxiety, depression, or any other diagnosis. In fact, most therapists choose their profession because of their own personal experiences with mental health. In training, therapists have more access to information about coping skills, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation that other folks may not have. As your favorite holistic therapist, I am sharing my top tips from my training for managing anxiety as a recovering people pleaser.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

Defining Mental Health Professionals in Texas: Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Therapists

In today’s complex world, mental health awareness is more crucial than ever. However, navigating the landscape of mental health professionals can be confusing, particularly in Texas, where regulations and titles vary. If you’re seeking support for mental health issues, it’s essential to understand the differences between psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists in the Lone Star State.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

The Imperative of Supporting Private Practice Therapists

The encroachment of venture capitalist firms into the mental health industry poses significant risks to the quality and integrity of therapy. Supporting private practice therapists is essential for maintaining high standards of care, upholding ethical practices, and fostering local economic growth. By prioritizing personalized, community-based care over commodified, profit-driven models, we can ensure that the therapeutic profession continues to serve the best interests of clients and communities alike.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson


As therapists, our work revolves around helping others navigate their mental and emotional challenges. We spend years studying and practicing techniques to support our clients, but we are also less likely to recognize the importance of seeking support for ourselves. We tend to put our family, our relationships, and our clients before ourselves and say “I can therapitize myself”. Unfortunately, we can’t provide therapy to ourselves much like a dentist can’t clean their own teeth. And, therapists can make tough clients! Here's why I believe every therapist should see a therapist whose niche is treating therapists (like myself).

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson


Chronic overachievers are often their own harshest critics, but by acknowledging these challenges and taking proactive steps, they can find a path to greater balance, fulfillment, and peace. Embrace the journey, and remember that true success is not just about achieving more, but also about living a life that feels meaningful and joyful.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

25 Self-Love Affirmations from a Holistic Therapist

As part of the 2024 Self Love Series, I created a list of 25 self-love affirmations to practice. Even if it feels weird or uncomfortable, remember that all new things feel awkward at first. With time, you can continue to challenge old unhelpful thoughts with these more affirming beliefs.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

The Irrational Core Beliefs Driving People Pleasers and Perfectionists

The irrational core beliefs that drive people-pleasers and perfectionists are deeply ingrained and can significantly impact mental health and well-being. By understanding and challenging these beliefs, individuals can break free from the cycles of people-pleasing and perfectionism, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Developing self-awareness, practicing cognitive restructuring, setting boundaries, embracing imperfection, and seeking support are all essential steps in this journey toward self-acceptance and emotional freedom.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson


Today’s blog will focus on challenging common relationship myths that I see in the therapy room. Education on what defines a healthy relationship can be helpful, especially when we may not have seen many examples growing up or portrayed in the media. Here are some of the top relationship myths:

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

How to Practice Self-Love Through Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing self-love is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. One powerful way to cultivate self-love is through mindfulness and meditation. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can develop a deeper sense of compassion, acceptance, and gratitude for yourself. In this blog post, we'll explore how mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for practicing self-love and provide practical tips for integrating them into your routine.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson


Therapy, whether it's psychotherapy, counseling, or another form, often involves a unique  language that can be unfamiliar to those who haven't experienced it before. It can be frustrating to not know what your therapist is talking about, and it can even be a barrier to getting the help you need. Please do not be afraid to ask your therapist questions to help you feel more comfortable in the process! We are here to help however we can. Here are some common terms used in therapy and their meanings:

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

The Somatic Experience of People Pleasing

People pleasing is a deeply ingrained behavior, especially prevalent among therapists, caregivers, and folks in the helping professions. While often rooted in a desire to help and care for others, chronic people pleasing can lead to significant personal and professional stress, burnout, and even physical health issues. Understanding the somatic experience of people pleasing—the physical sensations and reactions in the body—can be a crucial step in recognizing and healing from this pattern.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

Balancing Act: Navigating Financial Self-Care as an Overachiever & People Pleaser

As overachievers and people pleasers, we often find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of striving for perfection and prioritizing the needs of others above our own. While this drive can be helpful at times, it can also lead to neglecting crucial aspects of our well-being, including our financial health. In the pursuit of meeting external expectations and maintaining a facade of “having it all together”, we may sacrifice our financial goals. However, by recognizing the unique challenges overachievers and people pleasers face, you can cultivate a more balanced approach to managing finances and prioritizing your well-being.

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Aubrey Richardson Aubrey Richardson

Nurturing Your Practice: The Importance of Financial Self-Care for Therapists

In the realm of mental health, the focus is often on caring for others. As therapists, we dedicate our time and energy to supporting our clients through their challenges and helping them navigate life's complexities. However, amidst the noble pursuit of aiding others, it's easy to overlook a crucial aspect of well-being: our own financial health.

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