coping skills for anxiety and panic attacks at work

Office cubicles represent the frequent complaints of anxiety and panic attacks during the workday from clients diagnosed with anxiety, depression, or burnout

One of the most frequent concerns I hear from my clients is how to manage anxiety and panic attacks at work. The most important strategy is to address the underlying issue that is being avoided, since anxiety is fueled by avoidance, in therapy. However, no one wants to feel out of control at work. Use these ideas below at the FIRST SIGN of anxiety or panic creeping into your body. These skills are best used as short-term, survival strategies not long-term use.

Quick Tips for Managing Panic & Anxiety:

  • Alternate drinking hot beverages with ice-cold beverages like hot tea and an icy sparkling water

  • Hold an ice cube to your wrist or in your palm, gripping it tightly, until it melts

  • Short progressive muscle relaxation video/audio

  • Deep breathing (focus on longer exhales than inhales)

  • Grounding (Identify five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can hear two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste)

  • Name one thing in your environment for each color of the rainbow)

  • A short meditation on the calm app or my YouTube (

  • Go outside for a few minutes for what I call a 'lizard break', noticing the feeling of the sun on your skin

  • Do ten jumping jacks or a 30-second wall sit

  • Have a fidget toy or hair tie available during stressful meetings

  • Use a soft blanket or throw, noise-canceling headphones, and a candle/diffuser to make your environment more comfortable

  • Recognize anxious thoughts without judgment

  • Write down any anxious thoughts to discuss later with your therapist

  • Schedule short breaks throughout the day

The Hard Truth About Anxiety at Work:

When you are consistently experiencing panic attacks and anxiety in the workplace, you may be facing a more systemic problem. If the problem is environmental, like you are feeling unsafe or have a toxic workplace, then you can NEVER self-care yourself out of the harmful effects. None of the tips listed above will ever address dysfunctional relationships, harassment, or inequality in the workplace.


The feelings wheel


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