What I learned after 101 Hot Yoga Classes

Aubrey Richardson LPC (owner & therapist of Sage Holistic Counseling) practicing a yoga pose that builds confidence, self-esteem, and safety.

As someone who has battled with anxiety and stress for years, finding effective ways to manage my mental health has been a priority. One practice that has had a profound impact on my well-being is hot yoga. Recently, I reached a milestone in my journey—I completed my 101st hot yoga class. Reflecting on this achievement, I want to share how this practice has benefitted and transformed my mental health.

The Challenge of 101 Classes

Completing 101 hot yoga classes was not just about physical endurance; it was also about fighting the mental barriers. There were days when I thought my to-do list was too overwhelming to take a break for class, and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything other than my schedule for the next day. But each time I stepped onto my mat, I made a conscious decision to let go of those negative thoughts and embrace the present moment.

The heated room and challenging poses force me to stay focused on my breath and body, which helps quiet the constant chatter of my mind. Frequently, all I can think about is trying to inhale and not fall over. This practice has taught me to be more present in my daily life, allowing me to fully experience each moment without judgment or fear. Off the mat, I have been able to use these skills in my personal relationships and in the therapy room.

Hot yoga has also been a powerful tool for stress relief and emotional release. The combination of heat, movement, and deep breathing helps me release tension stored in my body, leaving me feeling lighter and more relaxed. I've found that after a hot yoga class, my mind feels clearer, and my worries seem more manageable. If I can hold Awkward pose and full Locust pose, then I can tackle anything life throws towards me.

Completing 101 hot yoga classes has not only improved my mental health but has also helped me build resilience and confidence. Each class challenged me to push past my limits, both physically and mentally, and showed me that I am capable of more than I thought possible. This newfound sense of strength and self-assurance has had a ripple effect on other areas of my life in my relationship, my business, and my personal growth.

While completing 101 hot yoga classes is a significant milestone, my journey is far from over. I continue to practice hot yoga regularly, knowing that it is a powerful tool in my mental health toolkit. Through this practice, I have learned the importance of self-care, self-compassion, and the power of the mind-body connection in healing.


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