quarterly reflection questions

Set time aside once a quarter to reflect on your recovery and wellness by grabbing a cup of hot tea, pencil, and paper to journal on your progress. These questions are intended to encourage introspection and self-awareness, which can be valuable tools in the healing process. These reflection questions are intended for someone challenging anxiety and overcoming trauma in therapy.

Most therapists and caregivers are wounded healers themselves - and writing is a beautiful and effective way to challenge anxious thoughts and change any unhelpful narratives around perfectionism, people-pleasing, and unhealed trauma.

1. What triggers my anxiety or traumatic memories, and how do they manifest in my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?

2. How do I currently cope with anxiety and trauma-related symptoms, and are these coping strategies helpful or harmful in the long term?

3. What are my core beliefs about myself, others, and the world as a result of my experiences, and how do these beliefs impact my daily life?

4. What are my strengths and resources that have helped me cope with anxiety and trauma in the past, and how can I leverage them in my healing journey?

5. What are my goals for therapy, and how do I envision my life being different once I have successfully worked through my anxiety and trauma?

6. What self-care practices nourish me and help me feel grounded and safe when anxiety or traumatic memories arise?

7. How do my relationships with others support or hinder my healing process, and what boundaries do I need to set to protect my well-being?

8. How can I cultivate a sense of safety and trust in myself and the world around me as I work through my anxiety and trauma?

If you’re comfortable, you can share these answers with your therapist as part of your session and update your treatment plan collaboratively. Remember, these answers can be full sentences or bullet points. There is no right or wrong way to complete this exercise!


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