SHC Birthday bash & networking event recap

I am truly honored and humbled to share details about Sage Holistic Counseling’s Birthday Bash and Networking Event to celebrate the first anniversary of SHC. This past year has been a journey of growth, learning, and most importantly, healing.

Aubrey Richardson LPC standing with a commemorative sign marking the one year anniversary of opening Sage Holistic Counseling

As I reflect on the past year, I am filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Since February 2023, I saw my first private practice client, retained 27 out of 33 clients (which is almost 82% for those of us in the room who don’t do the math) from my previous practice, launched a newsletter, joined insurance panels, and left insurance panels. I’ve had a full caseload since November, and have been waitlist only since December. Over the past year, I provided 853 hours of therapy, served 59 clients, and completed 48 continuing education credits all while working 547 hours less than my previous job. Currently, I have clients across the state in Galveston, Laredo, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Tyler as well as the greater DFW area.
I have also learned some hard lessons - like the time I accidentally disconnected my website from the internet, was stood up on a networking date, or had zero people sign up for a workshop I created. As I share with my clients, mistakes are an inevitable part of being human - we learn from them, and then we throw our mistakes in the “fuck it bucket” to move on.

Over a dozen people attended the Sage Holistic Counseling Birthday Bash and Networking Event to celebrate with sparkling water and kombucha, cupcakes, and take full advantage of the beautiful event space. Throughout the evening, I was able to celebrate the past year with peers and offer gratitude to my trusted advisors and mentors. I shared anecdotes from my inaugural year in practice, highlighting moments of growth, challenges surmounted, and the profound joy of therapist seekers’ progress.

Overall, this event served not only as a celebration of SHC’s achievements but also as a platform for networking and collaboration within the mental health community. SHC has created a safe space for holistic healing and growth, and I am excited to see where this journey goes in the years to come. Cheers to many more years of success!




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