How a therapist prepares for therapy

Aubrey Richardson LPC in a hammock with a book and journal reflecting after a therapy session

My Rituals for Pre and Post-Therapy Sessions

As a therapist, I deeply understand the importance of growth, healing, and authenticity. These values guide not only my professional practice but also my personal life. One way I honor these values is by attending my virtual therapy sessions every week. Therapy is a vital part of my self-care routine, allowing me to reflect, process, and continue my journey toward self-improvement. To make the most out of each session, I have developed specific rituals for both before and after my therapy appointments. I would like to share these rituals with you, hoping they might inspire you to create your own therapeutic routines.

Pre-Therapy Rituals

1. Nourishing My Body: Since I have morning appointments, I start my day by eating a nutritious breakfast and having a cup of coffee. This ensures that my brain has the right fuel to engage in the often challenging emotional work that therapy entails. By taking care of my physical needs first, I can approach my session with the energy and focus required for meaningful introspection and discussion.

2. Creating a Comfortable Environment: I believe that comfort is key to an effective therapy session. Before my appointment, I put on comfortable clothes and make sure that my tissues are close by. I also prepare a cup of tea to sip during the session. These small comforts help me feel more at ease and ready to open up.

3. Embracing Vulnerability: I intentionally do not wear mascara or makeup because I know that I will probably cry during therapy. If you are surprised that I cry in therapy, I encourage you to discuss the belief that therapists are not human or the belief that crying is bad in your next session. Crying is a natural and healthy way to express and release emotions, and as a therapist, I fully embrace this aspect of my own therapy experience.

4. Organizing My Thoughts: To make the most out of my therapy session, I organize my thoughts in a secure notes app. I use Obsidian, a versatile tool that allows me to jot down any issues, insights, or questions I want to address during the session. This preparation helps me stay focused and ensures that I cover all the topics that are important to me.

5. Minimizing Distractions: Before my session begins, I turn on the Do Not Disturb mode on my devices. This helps me create a distraction-free environment where I can fully engage with my therapist and the therapeutic process.

Post-Therapy Rituals

1. Clearing My Space: After the session, I take a moment to throw away any tissues and clear my space. This simple act of tidying up helps me transition from the emotional intensity of the therapy session back to my everyday activities.

2. Reflecting and Journaling: I pull out my journal to jot down any thoughts or insights that emerged during the session. Writing helps me process my emotions and solidify the insights I gained. It also serves as a valuable record that I can refer back to in the future.

3. Grounding Myself: I take a few minutes to breathe and ground myself. This might involve deep breathing exercises, a brief meditation, or simply sitting quietly and centering my thoughts. Grounding helps me stabilize my emotions and return to a state of calm.

4. Engaging in Physical Activity: I do a short, physical task like unloading the dishwasher or folding laundry. This activity allows my brain to reset and helps me shift from the introspective work of therapy to the more practical aspects of daily life.

5. Moving Forward: Once I have completed these rituals, I feel ready to go about my day. The structure of these post-therapy activities helps me transition smoothly and ensures that I carry the benefits of the session with me for the rest of my day.

By sharing these rituals, I hope to highlight the importance of self-care and intentionality in the therapeutic process. Therapy is a powerful tool for personal growth, and by creating supportive routines around your sessions, you can enhance the benefits and foster a deeper sense of well-being. Whether you are a therapist or a client, taking the time to prepare for and reflect on your therapy sessions can make a significant difference in your healing journey.




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