20 Things I’ve Learned from my Clients as a Holistic Therapist

Working as a holistic therapist has been a profoundly enriching experience. Each client brings their own unique story, challenges, and strengths, teaching me invaluable lessons along the way. Here are 20 things I’ve learned from my incredible clients:

Aubrey Richardson LPC sitting with Sage waiting to meet with clients as a virtual therapist in Dallas who specializes in working with therapists, caregivers, and helping professionals

1. Change (and Recovery) is Possible with Time and Intention

Healing is a journey that requires patience and deliberate effort. My clients have shown me that with time and intention, remarkable transformations are possible. Even the most entrenched patterns can shift when approached with persistence and care.

2. Humans are Badasses

The resilience of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. My clients face their fears, overcome obstacles, and push through pain. My recovering perfectionists and people-pleasers demonstrate every day that humans are capable of incredible strength and tenacity.

3. Everyone is Struggling; No One Has Their Shit Figured Out

One of the most common threads I see is that everyone is dealing with something. No one has it all figured out, and that’s perfectly okay. This realization fosters compassion and understanding, reminding us that we are all in this together.

4. We All Want to Be Loved

At the core of many issues lies a fundamental human need: the desire to be loved and accepted. This universal longing underscores the importance of building connections and fostering empathy in our relationships.

5. If You Live Long Enough, You Will Experience Something Traumatic

Trauma is an inevitable part of the human experience. My clients have taught me that while we cannot always avoid trauma, we can develop the tools to cope and heal from it.

6. You Can Be Hurt AND Heal in Relationships

Relationships have the power to both wound and heal us. Through healthy, supportive connections, we can find the safety and trust needed to heal old wounds.

7. No One Looks Good While Crying

Tears are a natural and necessary part of the healing process. No one is worried about your smudged make-up or how many tissues you use. Let it out.

8. My Clients are Incredible Human Beings

Ethical boundaries prevent me from forming friendships with my clients, but if they didn’t, I would be honored to be friends with many of them. They are remarkable individuals, and their resilience and courage inspire me daily.

9. Everyone’s Family is Fucked Up in Their Own Unique Way

No family is perfect. Each has its own set of challenges and dysfunctions. Acknowledging this helps normalize the difficulties we all face in our familial relationships.

10. We Could All Use One More Supportive Person in Our Life

Support systems are crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or therapist, having someone to lean on can make all the difference.

11. No One Needs Another Problem in Their Life

Life is challenging enough without unnecessary complications. We don’t need to take on other people’s problems as our own.

12. Everyone is a Little Crazy. Normal Doesn’t Exist

What we consider “normal” is a social construct. Everyone has their quirks and idiosyncrasies. Embracing our unique traits is a step toward self-acceptance and mental health. Plus, normal is boring.

13. No One Likes Feeling Their Big Feelings or Being Vulnerable with Others

Feeling and expressing deep emotions can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential for our sanity. Feel uncomfortable and do it anyway.

14. Familiarity and Comfort Are Not the Same Thing

We often mistake familiarity for comfort. Just because something is known doesn’t mean it’s good for us. Stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to growth and new possibilities.

15. The Answer to Almost Any Problem is Setting a Boundary

Boundaries are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting our well-being. Learning to set and uphold boundaries is a common and powerful solution to many problems.

16. When You Feel Like You Don’t Want to Go to Therapy, Those Are the Most Important Days to Go

Resistance to therapy often signals that there’s something important to work through. Pushing through that resistance can lead to significant breakthroughs and growth.

17. When You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Say in Therapy, Those Are the Most Meaningful and Productive Sessions

Sessions where clients feel they have nothing to say often become the most profound. These moments can reveal underlying issues that need to be addressed and “Aubrey’s Choice” sessions are my favorite.

18. Nothing is Unfixable; Almost Any Decision Can Be Changed

Flexibility and the willingness to adapt are key to problem-solving. My clients have taught me that very few things are truly unchangeable. With effort and creativity, solutions can always be found.

19. Therapy is a Sacred Space for Folks

The therapy room is a place where clients can share their deepest fears, hopes, and secrets. It’s an honor to hear these stories and to be entrusted with such personal experiences.

20. Listen to Your Body and Your Emotions

Our bodies and emotions are constantly communicating with us. Learning to listen to and trust these signals is crucial for our overall well-being. Our bodies and minds are doing their best to keep us alive and thriving.


In my graduate program, a professor told us that “very little separates us from our clients; who sits in what chair depends on the day.” This statement rings true every day in my practice. I learn from my clients continuously, as we navigate the complexities of life together. Their courage, resilience, and humanity are a constant reminder that we are all on this journey together, and that there is always room for growth, healing, and connection.


